Friday, February 20, 2009


I chatted tonight with a friend of mine from high school. She was one of those people that everyone looked at and was envious - beauty, intelligence, athletic, funny, etc. I hadn't heard much about her since high school, except that she became a cheerleader for the Minnesota Vikings at one point. But tonight, I was able to find out a lot more and wanted to share her cause with anyone who might ready this.

Her brother was in the military and went in to have a somewhat routine medical procedure done through the military to help him breathe easier when sleeping. He came through the surgery fine and my friend picked him up and took him home. He had a patch on his arm that would release pain medication to him and the only instruction given to her was to change his patch in 3 days. Later that night, he passed away from an overdose of pain medication through this patch.

There had been problems prior to this with this kind of patch and a warning was issued to beware of it - but that was never explained in this situation. The military has a law that states that the military doctors cannot be held responsible for incidents like this either. The LA Times even wrote an article about this story and goes into much greater detail.

As you can imagine, my friend was very close to her brother and has been devasted by this incident. It has now become her mission to make sure that his name lives on. She has a website that has been dedicated to her brother and this story and I would encourage you all to spend a few minutes reading more.  

Can you help me help my friend to make sure her brother's name lives on - MSG Harold W. (Bud) Kinamon, Jr.? Pass his name and story along to all that you know. And if you'd like to send my friend a note to encourage her, just leave a comment below or reply to me on my Facebook page and I'll be sure to pass it along.

Bud Kinamon - thank you for your service to our country!

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