Sunday, February 15, 2009

Obama, We See You

One of my biggest concerns, heading into this most recent election, was that we would have a Liberal President, Liberal House, Liberal Senate, and a Liberal Press that that would cover for all of those mentioned ahead of them. The American people would never hear the whole truth about anything, but just slanted coverage that would make everything sound wonderful.

As we listened to Mr. Obama, he spoke of things that everyone would like to believe in - a new tone in Washington, change has come, and that his administration would be the most transparent administration ever. So, let's see how that is coming along.

Obama promised that he would post legislation on the White House website for 5 days before he would sign anything into law so the American people could see what was in it. Great promise! That's fair. Get it all out there so we can see for ourselves what is in it. Has it happened? Still waiting. You know the one he's already signed into law - the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act on Jan. 29, 2009? Was this posted on the White House website for five days? Nope. Wasn't posted at all, and he signed it into law just five HOURS after receiving it, not the five DAYS that he promised.

Why does this matter? Well, honestly, this law wasn't very controversial. It just said that women should get paid equal to men for the same job performed. We can agree on this one so it's not that the content of the law was controversial - it's that he didn't keep his campaign promise. it matters because we're about to have the largest spending bill in the history of the United States signed into law and the House and Senate members haven't even had time to read it before they were voting on it! Is that insane??? What happens when it gets to his desk? Do you think that all 1100 pages of it are going to be posted on the White House website for five days before Obama gets out his Bic pen and signs it into law? No freakin' way is he's going to wait! And I just wonder what got stuck back into this bill by legislators who knew there was no way anyone could read it before voting on it? I mean, politicians in Washington are so dependable and trustworthy. They would never try to sneak something in there, would they?

Get ready because life in America is about to change from the way we have known it. Obama believes that the government is the solution to all of our problems. Let's get a government program in place, fund it, and they can decide everything for each of us. Let's get a government run healthcare system in place so all Americans can have health insurance - sounds great - but who's going to decide when/if I get the procedure that I need for my life to be at the level I want it to be at? The same people who oversaw the banking systems and Wall Street? No thanks!

Mr. Obama, you promised us transparency and you have delivered because I can see right through you!

1 comment:

  1. And if that isn't bad enough just wait until the vote for the parental rights thing comes up. ( Better PRAY his choice for Deputy Attorney General, David Ogden, doesn't get voted in. :-(
